Sports by Zodiac Sign

Discover your sports talents by looking at your fitness horoscope. Increase performance with astronomical knowledge: this is how you get off to a flying start this year!

Watch This! The Best Sport Based On Zodiac Signs

What, you’re not making good progress in sports? Perhaps it’s because your fitness activities don’t align with your constellation. Astrology can help to determine one’s own inclinations and to train accordingly. The Cologne astrologer Gabriele Danners has developed an individual horoscope for each sign of the zodiac, exclusively for FIT FOR FUN, which takes into account the essential sporting characteristics of the individual zodiac signs. If you look at it individually, other elements also flow into the interpretation so that your daily form can even be calculated from them. In an interview with the editorial team, Gabriele Danners explains what role the stars play in terms of success in sport and fitness:

Do the stars really influence athletic performance?
Venus, Mars, and the like can actually show how you can increase your fitness level! The horoscope reveals inclinations and tells you how to get moving while having fun. Astrology helps to recognize which sporting development issues are pending and how best to master one’s crises. For example, you can calculate whether competition or a soccer match is literally under a good star or is taking place in a rather critical phase from an astrological point of view. You can also use the star constellation to identify possible performance lows and thus take countermeasures.

Am I just a puppet of the star constellations?
Internal mechanisms tick like a clock and are very powerful. They ensure that we always react in the same way and that the same thing happens all the time – also with regard to athletic ambition or physical indolence. Routine is important, but it can be fatal to athletic success. Because in order to move forward, you have to keep developing. Astrology offers valuable help to change life patterns. The constantly changing planetary energies show again and again new ways in sport how you can become a winner with a high fun factor and a fantastic attitude to life.

Then astrology is a path to happiness for you?
Necessarily! If I know what I want and how I can achieve it, I can get into a good attitude towards life more quickly. Everyone has the choice: rely on chance or find out what really motivates you from the inside out and leads to fulfillment.